Student Jetpacks

What is the Jetpack Program?

The JetPack Project is a backpack food program providing nutritious, non-perishable food to hungry children of food-deficient households for the weekend during the school year. Packs of food are discreetly placed in a child’s backpack or locker for them to take home.

Participating Schools

The program is a cooperative effort of The Well, the school, and a sponsoring organization such as a local church or business that funds and packs the bags. Thanks to these generous organizations we are able to provide JetPacks in the following area schools:

​JetPack Registration

If you have a child in one of the schools listed above and would like to enroll them in the JetPack project, you can register them by reaching out to your school’s counselor or administrative staff.

Snack Stash Program

The Well’s Snack Stash program provides a bin full of snacks to schools to distribute to students whose families struggle to provide school snacks for them. Bins are refilled as needed. Currently, there are 11 schools participating in this program. Items needed for the Snack Stash program are individual packages of: 

  • Raisins 
  • Cheezits or Goldfish
  • Pretzels
  • Animal Crackers
  • Fruit & Grain Bars 

During the summer months, items contributed towards the Snack Stash programs may be utilized for the Well’s homeschool/summer kid’s shelf.